God gave us mouths that shut

And ears that remain open

This should tell us something

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Sadly many impetuously only bring

Their opinions and remarks to the table

It seems in regard to listening

A little illustration
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Humanity is most unable

At least often very unwilling

Why is it we must always talk about our thing

Speaking only about us and our wants

Such social disregard despises and taunts

Occasionally at the end of the discourse even haunts

The person enamored with themselves in self-absorption

Grossly lacking self-awareness and skill in communication

Such an approach to people assures one of isolation

As being only dressed up in yourself tends toward alienation

The key to communication is listening

Without which conversation becomes aggravating

Interacting with one prone to interrupt you is irritating

Blatant disregard to what you want to say is excruciating

Difficult to bear indeed, as you go unheard when you plead

Trying to get a word in edgewise

Apparently anything you say the gregarious does despise

As they try to elevate themselves and self-actualize

Hoping to dominate the conversation and perhaps realize

Some level of self-importance

While accomplishing relationally a greater distance

Most frequently unbeknownst to them

As in their mind everyone is their friend

Most of all however they are enamored with self

This is the reason they are incapable of hearing anyone else

Being the recipient, on the other end of such communication

What more can you do than smile and wonder why

Of course you can placate and pacify

The self-centered gibberish

Being nice considering their tendency

Toward pretence or perhaps inner insecurity

Nevertheless having to endure a big mouth

Being bulldozed over by a pushy person

Who hears only what they have to say

There are only three options

Yield, stand up to them, or move them out of your way

Of those three choices, I hope you make the best today

Dealing with people gently requires patience

Unrepentant, repeat offenders demand your resilience

Your ability to forgive and forget is your brilliance

Though the big mouth doesn't see or appreciate it

Seemingly often taking advantage of and misusing it

Incessantly repeating the offense and not appreciating

Your unconditional love from which they've been deviating

For God's loving-kindness toward them we must earnestly pray

God's mercies and grace are new every day

Using your ears requires a utilization of the heart

Educated idiots in that department aren't always so smart

Others have grown up the eldest child being bossy to others

They you must remind you aren't their sister or brother

Masterful manipulators come with another bag of tricks

Playing on emotions, persuading through pity and angry fits

Be strong my friend, don't give in to it

Be firm and stand your ground

Be clear and precise in the speech that you sound

Vocalize your disappointment and sheer displeasure

Just because you listen better with your ears

Certainly does not make you any lesser

If necessary, pull away from the boisterous bantering

Give them the chance to discover communication involves listening.

Make an appeal for the gregarious to enlist their ears

Lest they one day awake alone with eyes full of tears.

Harness your tongue today and enable your ears

Turn sorrow and anger into thankful cheers.

Listening builds relational bridges that will bless you for years.


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